Autumn Glory at Fairbanks Botanical Gardens |
The first days of autumn are generally so enjoyable, changing leaves, a crispness in the air and bright blue skies. I have an ever-reddening vine hanging down over the trees in my new back garden. It's a striking contrast in the view from my bedroom window, reds and greens and a fern growing in the crack of the red brick chimney. I love autumn. All the bright colours on display that are usually hidden beneath the green chlorophyll of summer.
I was thinking about that the other day as I was driving my niece to school. The golds and bronzes are always there; we're just not always aware of them. That's just like a lot of things in life. We're not always aware of what's happening underneath the surface.
The Tour de France came to Sheffield |
This summer I've been trying to figure out what God is doing underneath it all. I'm still processing, and maybe I will be for a while. We marked the one year anniversary of Steve and Mandy's death, and a documentary team came to get footage of Antioch in the UK. I think we realised that we hadn't really talked about Steve and Mandy in a while. It was good to hear how their lives had impacted the students here.
Our new tweens class, Ignition |
When I was in Mozambique, I realised what a testimony this past year is. We lost Steve, Mandy and little Josiah, but we gained Andy, William and little Bella. So far, 3 lives for 3 deaths. Not that we count them as replacements, but give thanks that God is a restorer. Little Bella was born about a year after Josiah, healthy, happy and new life. She's the first of three new babies this year. The joy of new life. And Andy and William's lives could and will touch others. Their children will know Jesus. I don't take for granted the impact that knowing Jesus at a young age has for the rest of your life. Thanks Mum and Dad!
Laura's Boys at Zimpeto |
Mozambique was a bit of a challenge. I want to be able to say that it was amazing. And going into the hospitals and praying for the sick and spending time with the beautiful wide eyed, bright smiling children was. But it was difficult, too. Going without a team is not recommended. Though God sent a team from Bradford, an hour and a half away from Sheffield, to adopt me. Antioch Sheffield has been working on discipleship and on making the Gospel super accessible to people, no Christianese or jargon. That wasn't really the Mozambican style. Which made me realise some things about myself, some underlying judgement and skepticism. But I was obedient and stepped out in faith. I'm sure I'll see more of the purpose for the trip in the coming months.
Family Service Action |
Before I left for Maputo, we had our first Family Service. I loved it. The kids joined us for worship, dancing and doing actions and then we had an interactive sermon with stinky fish and bread. I was so proud of the kids for sitting through the service and joining in. One of the girls even knelt down during worship with no prompting, raising her hands as she imagined God breaking off any chains. My spirit was so touched by the act of surrender from a six year old. Our next Family Service will come at the end of our October Holiday Club, and I look forward to improving the experience and seeing more families added to the Kingdom.
As a church, we've also set aside one Friday night a month to pray and worship, to minister to Jesus with no expectations or agenda. Encounter has happened twice, and we're encouraged by the number of people attending and meeting with Jesus.
New Signs! |
I'm encouraged to welcome Jon to the Antioch Kids' team as a worship leader. Jon is doing a worship school this year at another local church and interning with us as a worship leader. We're making plans to improve kids' worship and to create an environment for the kids to encounter the presence of God. Watch this space for more exciting news!
Tobias Dillon, What a Cutie |
Many of you may have seen that I'm an auntie again. Little Tobias Dillon or Toby was born on 20 August. He had a little bit of a rough time coming into the world, but is healthy and sleeping well much to my sister's delight. I await the births of another nephew and niece or nephew before the end of the year. I should get to see them when I'm back on furlough this winter. Visiting Toby meant travelling to Alaska. It was a beautiful visit and reminded me a lot of the wildness of Colorado. Jen and Ben attend a great church with a heart for the nations. And, I even got to fly in a small plane (one of my dreams) above the Arctic Circle.
Auntie J Time |
My Man Ian |
So from Africa to Alaska, from Crookes to Hillsborough, this summer has been one of journeys. I continue to ask God for what's next while I do my best to remain faithful here in Sheffield. The church is doing great, and we've had loads of visitors this summer. I'll keep you posted soon with the details of my furlough/refuel. If you would like to help financially with the cost of plane tickets, see the
link below. My new address is:
9 Hawksley Avenue, Sheffield S6 2BD United Kingdom.
Thank you for your prayers on this journey. I know I'm not alone and am so thankful for each one of you.