A thousand apologies for my post furlough blog occurring so long after returning from furlough. I feel as if I sort of hit the Sheffield ground running. Part of me had forgotten how full our Autumn schedule typically is, and I think I've settled back into the routine now. Thank you for the prayers that I'm sure you sent heavenward on my behalf. Also, many thanks for sharing your lives with me, your time with me whilst I was back in the States, your support, your prayers, and your friendship. These are things that I don't take lightly.
An electric kettle in America! |
First time climbing outdoors, thanks to my new friends! |
Looking back on furlough from this point, it seems like a million miles away. The last part of August was a blessing. I got to visit Christ Fellowship and all my lovely friends there. It was a joy to worship with old friends and share what God has done so far in Sheffield. The following day, my housemate Sarah came to visit for the first part of her sabbatical. We visited TCU, the Stockyards, and some of my favourite American restaurants. When I visited some of the Christ Fellowship small groups, Sarah tagged along as well. She was my real life British connection. Thank you all for making her feel welcome, for welcoming me back, and for your earnest support of God's work through me in England.
I am truly blessed :).
England meets America in Waco, TX (Sarah's on the right) |
The 'mother ship' as one of our Sheffield church members refers to Antioch Community Church Waco, also welcomed me for one Sunday. I was privileged to be able to visit their Children's ministry. It's always good to see how other people are teaching their children. I loved meeting with their children's ministry team as well as with the children's pastor from Christ Fellowship. When I was in graduate school, one of my clinical supervisors told me that it's good to ask questions, even necessary. You can probably figure most things out on your own, but how much faster you can learn if you glean from the wisdom that others before you have obtained. Now for the wisdom to apply what's learned. Only by the grace of God, only by God's grace.
Fajita making and Games Night for the new Uni students |
God's grace is enabling me to wait patiently for my new visa to come through all of the bureaucratic hoops. Application, check; fingerprints, check; final approval, in process. I'm hoping to hear that all has been approved sometime this week, so that I can purchase a plane ticket for my older sister's wedding on New Year's Eve. God brought all my financial provision in whilst I was on furlough, and He is not daunted by immigration policy and procedure.
My Gram looks good for a woman in her 80s! Happy Birthday! |
My time back in Sheffield thus far has been full but fun. We've been meeting in our new building for three months now and the work still continues. The sanctuary is carpeted and our heater has been installed. Our multipurpose youth and kid's room is coming together slowly but surely. The colder weather has left the building a little chilly, but liveable, and the gatherings have seen many visitors, much joy, and a sense of belonging. We even have a couple of new team members joining us. One is returning from the States after working in Waco for several years to start a disaster relief and social justice charity here in Sheffield. He's called Tim and he has asked Lara, one of our long-term and faithful church members and leaders to help pioneer the ministry.
Balloon Makers Extraordinaire |
Additionally, we had several new lifegroup leaders at our Autumn lifegroup leader training. We are excited about what God is doing! The Sheffield City Council even let us come and do jewellery making and balloon modelling for the city's Halloween extravaganza for younger children. We had a queue (line) of 10 children for balloons all afternoon long. Our training school students are another constant source of inspiration and also a source of learning how to pastor people well. Sometimes what they need is not what I naturally give. Praise Jesus that He is my strength where I am weak. :)

I want to get some news out to all of you even though much has occurred even as wrote this blog. Over Christmas I'll tell you about our Re:fresh 'staycation', the Carol service, puppies visiting Launch Pad, my older sister's wedding, and India. I hope that all of you had a lovely Thanksgiving and are eagerly awaiting the celebration of Jesus' birthday.