Hi friends! The saints alive is in reference to Valentines and St. Patricks, which have both passed since last we spoke. My blog has been on the to do list for far too long, almost embarassingly long. At first it seems I was looking for inspiration in a 'slow' time then for space to write in a busy one. Either way, I'm sorry you've not heard from me. Thankfully, I'll get to see most if not all of you this summer as I'm back for my furlough! I'll let you know more information as the time approaches, but I'll be Stateside 30 June - 19 September. If you or anyone you know may have a car that I could borrow, especially in August when I'm in Texas, please let me know!
Swan I saw on my first rambling adventure |
And now back to Valentine's Day. I think our church body is finally getting the hang of 'pot luck'! We try to eat together as a community once a month or so. This month we even took communion together at the meal. It was really fun to remember Jesus somewhat like I imagine the early church did. I sometimes struggle to converse with people while wondering if there's anything that needs to be done, but it's probably good for me. Training of a sort. :)

In February, we had a training for our lifegroup leaders and for anyone interested in leading a group. We spent a Saturday morning and early afternoon teaching about prayer, vision, and ways to work in a team. After breaking for lunch, we had a question and answer session and finished praying for our different lifegroups. Three new people even came to learn about lifegroup. That was exciting considering we didn't know if there were any new people that were interested in leading when we discussed the topic the week before. God is faithful to raise up new leaders!
I suppose there should be a photo of me |
Have I told you about the Holiday Club that I've been planning? A holiday club is the equivalent of a Vacation Bible School. Ours is the first week of Easter break. It's called Xpedition Force. We sent out letters to the nearby schools, and I have a great team of volunteers! We're going on an expedition, climbing a mountain with the children, as well as taking the kids on a journey through the book of Matthew through the last supper, Jesus' death on the cross, and the resurrection. We had our first assembly at the school across the street from the church. Now we just need more kids! I'll let you know how it went in the next update.
Awesome Volunteers! |
Speaking of kids, I recently had the opportunity to take the girls in the older class to see the film, "Tangled." I've wanted a chance to spend some time with the girlies and their mums for a while. Maddie actually suggested it in a way. I was saying how much I wanted to see the film and Maddie said she wanted to see it too. Thus the plan was hatched. Two of our regular church going girls brought some friends and their mums came too! It was a lot of fun, and the film was good as well. I hope to get to spend more time with these girls. They're so precious to their Heavenly Father. Little princesses.
One of the younger girls is called Darby. She loves princesses and everything pretty, always asking if I'm wearing earrings and commenting on necklaces. We've starting singing a new song at the Gathering called, "Blow, Mighty Breath of God." Darby's mom reported that she was singing that song the morning after in a loud clear voice. Same song, just more creative lyrics. "Blow, Mighty Breakfast God, Blow, Mighty Breakfast God." God is the God of breakfast, so I suppose her lyrics fit as well. I'm sure there's I can learn a thing or two from Darby's simple song.
School of Transformation games |
Antioch School of Transformation has four students that have applied to learn a thing or two about church planting and to help develop Godly character and grow deeper in relationship with God. Our school started with a Saturday orientation and teaching. I'm excited to see God work in the lives of our students and myself and the other staff members through the school. I know God has spoken to the students through the teachings we've had so far. Please be praying for our students!
Baby Dedication |
Let's see, a few little updates to finish up. We're about a week away from signing a lease on a new building! And, I sat in as a second on my first sozo. Also, we welcomed five new babies into the church with our very first dedication! We dedicated the babies on British Mother's Day and finished with a community meal. Exciting things are afoot in Sheffield and the UK. We're expecting a team from Antioch in Waco; seventeen Elevate students for twenty-one days. I'll keep you posted. I love you all my friends! Many thanks for your support on this adventure, and I can't wait to see you this summer, although I'm not looking forward to the Texas summer heat. Thank God for air condition!