(Feet, post race)
Sadly, Thanksgiving is not a holiday here in Sheffield. However, next 29 April when the prince gets married, we'll have an extra public holiday. Go figure. But back to where we left off. I know I mentioned that I had been training for a 10 mile adventure race. I knew it was going to be tough, but had I known there would be so many hills, I would have run a lot more of them. I remember thinking part way through the race that I wasn't as muddy as I thought I would be. That's then the really intense section of the course began. A very determined scrub was required to wash the mud off at race's end, and I had cuts that I didn't even remember getting. But the important fact is that I FINISHED. I may have come in 179th, but cross the finish line I did. And for those who are considering something similiar, it's best not to ask how much distance remains at any point along the track; believe me, you don't want to know.

(Slightly muddy running conditions :))
You don't, however, want to miss the photos below of the kids in the Gathering. Recently, one of the mums had some flags made, and the kids love waving them in worship. Here they are marching with their banners to the song, "The Overcomers." The lyrics go something like this:
I see a people, changing the nations,
Now rising up to take their place,
I see an army, righteous and holy,
filled with the Spirit and unafraid.
They carry a banner, written Jehovah,
Lion of Judah, the King who reigns,
Christ the Redeemer, He is our Master,
And we've conquered all in Jesus' name.
We are the overcomers, we are the overcomers,
We have overcome in Jesus' name.
(The Overcomers!)
I had tears in my eyes while I was marching with the kids. They are the overcomers. We recently did a series with the kids about healing, and the kids came into the service to pray for people who were unwell. One woman got her knee healed, and the kids loved it! One of my favourite parts of children praying for people is their lack of pretense. The lead in of one of the girls is, "What's wrong?" And then she prays. Have you had a child pray for you lately? It's awesome!
(Bouldering in the Peaks)
A little less awesome is the need to say goodbye to good friends! My climbing partner and friend Pip got a great job in London, so we had to say 'see you later.' I was really sad to see her go and not just because now I have to find a new climbing partner. She was part of lifegroup, a super friend, and she will be missed! Guess I'll just have to visit London more often :). I will miss my friend.
(Capture the Flag!!)
Saying 'see you soon' to old friends brings with it the challenge of making new friends. In the meantime, I spent some time with the youth playing Capture the Flag out on the Devonshire Green, a local park. My team won and we met a couple of new friends. Two Uni students and two younger boys joined in on the fun as well as a girl called Alex that we had met during Re:create, the youth arts camp. I had loads of fun, but need to get back in sprinting shape. Plodding out ten miles works different muscles than sprinting to release someone from jail. My favourite score probably belongs to the little boy called Ritzim who just walked the opposing team's flag across the line while the rest of us were tussling over our flag. It was a classic moment. Never underestimate the small people!
And never underestimate the simple pleasure of fireworks and sparklers. My second 5th of November has come and gone. We had a churchwide party watching the fireworks from the top of Bole Hill. Then, when we couldn't stand the cold any more, we went back to a church member's house for hot chocolate, toffee apples, conversation, and games. We even had a large group of Uni students come, friends of one of the Uni students we met on the Dev at Capture the Flag. That same Uni student even visited one of our lifegroups. It's neat to see how one event can lead to another. I hope that he visits again. Indeed, that many people visit that we meet. :)
(Worship with Logan)
This November marked two years in Sheffield, and my third Re:fresh, our annual weekend away. We had 71 attendees including one of the gentlemen that is doing our Alpha course! I spent the majority of the weekend with the children teaching them about what it means to be awake to God and His purpose for our lives. With the little ones, we explored themes including, Wake Up...My Heart, Ears, Eyes, and Hands & Feet. The older children explored Wake Up...And Listen, Love, Live, and Go. Elsewhere, attendees learned about power evangelism, church planting, and were encouraged to take risks for the gospel. The weekend was a success as people left refreshed and envisioned. Next time I'll discuss our Carol Service and the two foot of snow that feel here two weeks ago. Until then, I hope you all had Happy Thanksgivings, that your Christmas is truly fully of Christ, and that the New Year brings new life, new adventure, and new intimacy with our King.