It all started out with a half night of prayer to prepare the ground and our hearts for what God was wanting to do. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head were part of the show as we used them to pray for the full armour of God and protection. The group that we sent to reach out in the club and bar scene saw some amazing testimonies of God's love. My housemate Fliss works in a university bar and after praying through the place, two of her staff members said they wanted to come to church or talk more about Jesus. It didn't stop there because two of the girls riding home in a taxi got to pray for the driver. It's a much better story than I am able to relate in the space I have here!
Every day of the week we were able to spend focused time in prayer and then we either went out for Treasure Hunting or served the area around our church building by picking up rubbish. Our intention was to knock on doors and ask if there was any work to do, but no one took us up on the offer. We did get to meet an older Christian couple and their friend who had just accepted Jesus. So that was a great connect. This couple gets together with seven other churches in the area to pray. How encouraging!
Nearly as encouraging as Wednesday treasure hunting. We'd prayed for good weather all week, and up until Wednesday and thereafter, it didn't rain. However, in our last few minutes of Wednesday Treasure Hunting, the sky opened up and it began to POUR!! One of the girls in our group asked, "How much do we want it?" So we went chasing after a white and red stripey umbrella down the main walking street. It's a popular place for charities to catch people and try to stir up money. So, one such fundraiser asked if we wanted to hear about orangutans and he said he would hear about God. We spent 20 minutes in the rain, standing in water covering our shoes, praying for this gentleman who had studied Bible at the University of Sheffield. It was so cool and totally worth it. Four umbrellas clustered together, praying in the streets!!
I don't know how many people we prayed for or chatted with, over 50 I'm sure. And on Sunday we had one person give their life to Jesus! We also learned some good lessons about what doesn't work in Sheffield. Like a barbecue in the car park asking people on the streets. We had fun, but few takers. Now it's a matter of figuring out how to maintain consistency of outreach. In fact, as a church we're praying through everything that we do and asking for wisdom. What to continue, what to stop, what to change, and what to start... We've even done a survey. Lord, give us wisdom.
Enough of what's happening at work, now a little bit about what's new with me. I've yet to meet the princes, but I do have a new housemate moving in soon. It was sad to see Kate go, but God provided a great Christian girl to take her room. Sarah's actually on staff with the church. And, one of our staff families is headed back to the States as their four year commitment is up. Change, change, change - gotta love it.
(Housemates Sarah & Fliss)
Like driving on the opposite side of the street. That's right. Drivers of Britain beware, Janette Stanberry is taking her first driving lesson this Wednesday. Last night I even had a dream that I forgot which side of the road to drive on in which country. I think it will be fine and exciting. I'll let you know if you need to feel sorry for my driving instructor. I'm also going to volunteer for the National Health Service. It will be a chance to do volunteer speech and language therapy whilst I'm here. Hmm, last but not least, my first visitors are coming! My friends Melaney and Priya and my mom and older sister will visit Sheffield in the next month. I'm excited to see them and wanting prayer to cover the visits. I don't want anything to interfere with what God is doing, so it should be interesting.
July and August are quieter months in Sheffield. Our Uni students are home for summer break and the children finish school. Come rain or shine, God is on my side. Someone asked me the other day if I was thriving and encouraged. I'm getting close to thriving and almost always encouraged. Life isn't always coming up roses, but God is with us through it all. I pray you find Him close and His love fresh today. A great big hug!