When last I wrote, I was getting ready to jump into the children's pastorship with both feet. It's been an interesting ride so far. As a church body we have a focus on prayer, so the first lesson the kids and I did was on the different kinds of prayer. We had a great chat about 'what' prayer is and I got to hear some great testimonies of answered prayers and what God has been speaking to our children. The position feels a bit like Spiderman. You know in the film where Uncle Ben tells Peter that with great power comes great responsibility. Makes me rely on the Lord more.
God is moving in the hearts of the children of the UK. And He's moving in the hearts of the 180 children's workers who attended the New Wine Kids Leader's Conference last week. Imagine 180 adults who just want to see children grow up loving Jesus and living out their destiny. Then you can get an inkling of what my time in Swanwick (pronounced Swanick) was like. In a sentence, I was reenergized, revisioned, and ready to return to the kids in Sheffield. The speakers gave practical and exciting ways to lead
children into worship, their identity in Christ, praying for healing, and prophecy. Can't wait to see what God will do with hearts that are hungry for more of Him.

(My housemates)
I came back from the conference with a renewed sense of purpose and to a weekend of fun and intercession. My grandma was asking me the other day what I do for fun besides drinking tea, so I thought I'd share a bit about that. My housemate's birthday was Saturday, so we bought a large chocolate cake and I prepared to meet all her lovely friends. She's quite the social butterfly and I had a blast meeting some new Brits and munching on Italian food. Sunday we had a prayer and intercession night at the church before heading off to watch Lost with my Lifegroup. It was great fun listening to the kids pray for their parents and their city. After Lost, I watched the Super Bowl with some friends. I know it seems like I'm watching loads of telly, but really it was a cultural learning experience. Did you know they have Cajun Squirrel flavoured crisps (chips) here? Seriously, I couldn't make that up if I tried.
Nor could I eat them if I tried. Not that I want to...ick. 
(Lifegroup after LOST)
Now there are worse things that I can think of than Cajun Squirrel flavoured crisps, but not many things are better than half a foot of snow! You should have seen the way that snow brings people together. I had a snowball fight with my friends and a couple of kids from the neighbourhood. It's my opinion that the world would be a little more peaceful if there were more snowstorms. At least the kind that make you want to go outside and be a kid again. Maybe we'll get one on Thursday as forecasted:). I made a snow dinosaur. Pity the head wouldn't
stay on properly.

This weekend we have Danny Mulkey from AMI coming into speak and for a pastoral visit. Next week, I'll be preaching at the Gathering (anyone fancy being on their knees from now until then to pray for it;)?). Isn't God good to take us out of our comfort zones?

I hope to cast some vision for the children's ministry and stir up a team of people to help reach these kids. We'll see if World Mandate Berlin will be a similar adventure. That's February the 20-22. After that, maybe life will fall into some kind of a rhythm...
Love you ALL,