First, some VERY good news! I driving test. There was such grace and peace and the favour of the Lord on my second test. And my lovely pink driving licence has arrived stating that I was born in the United Kingdom. A little snafu that I'm in the process of fixing. Thanks for all of your prayers!! I totally felt a difference between this test and the previous one and can even say that I'm a better driver for my failure. I needed to be reminded that it's okay to fail and even a natural part of our walk on this planet.

(Bonfire Night fun)
A little less natural, but still beautiful part of the English walk is Bonfire Night. The 5th of November is a night where all of Britain comes together to celebrate the capture of Guy Fawkes, a man who organised a plot to blow up Parliament. So they make giant fires, burn effigies of the man, and shoot off fireworks. Honestly, I think most people have forgotten what it's originally about and just come out to satisfy a little pyromania. The Students and Young Professionals met on Bole Hill and then had cocoa at Stephen's house. It was an opportunity to share with Stephen's neighbours and build community. I definitely recommend!
A little less physically fiery but not unfiery spiritually was the AMI Women's Retreat in Koh Samui, Thailand. Sixty missionary women from around the world came together to worship and minister to each other while being refreshed in the Lord. It was an amazing time of restoring and rebuilding faith and maybe having a little fun on the beach. But probably the most exciting part of the trip was the welcoming of a new Thai brother into the Kingdom. The man who served us tea and coffee gave his life to Jesus! WoooooHooooo!! His words were, "I asked the God to come into my heart and I changed!" and "When you sing, the hair on my arms stands up." Thank You Jesus for our new brother in Christ!
(Our Thai friend)
Ironically, whilst in Thailand, I celebrated my one year anniversary in Sheffield. It has been a fabulous year, and I'm amazed at what God has done in me and in Sheffield. Praise the Lord for He has done great things for me and I am filled with joy! I can't wait to see what He'll do in this next year. I've experienced Treasure Hunting and learning a new job and loving on people of a whole new culture and finally feeling like I'm starting to get it. I'm also starting to get a little tired of my own words. But I want to tell you in pictures about our annual weekend away, called Re:fresh. It was my second time at the retreat and the kids enjoyed learning about the Kingdom. Here are a few of the highlights.
Coming back right off the back of the retreat, I made a whirlwind trip down to London to visit Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, and Oxford. When I got back, some of our uni students had organised a day on campus called, "Love Your Uni." We got to give out free hugs, pray for healing, and Treasure Hunt. Two people got healed and we prayed for countless others. God is so good, there are not enough words to say how good. I'll tell you more about it next month. Happy Thanksgiving all!!
(Where's Janette?)