I LOVE Christmas! It's a time when Christ is a little closer on our minds and hearts and people are more open to hear about the helpless babe that came to save the world. So putting up the tree was a real pleasure for me. I even wrapped the banister myself!
One month, and I now "know" many people. I say that, because I want to know these people more intimately, to walk and grow with them as we become more like Jesus. That said, I hopped into a snug, five seater with four Brits to travel to Derby (no 'e' sound in there) to see Jason Upton in concert. It was a sweet time with the Lord and with some new friends. Jesus is moving in the United Kingdom! I am so blessed to be a part of what He wants to do in this nation. So, I keep hoping and believing for restoration in some of the uglier parts of culture, like televised assisted suicides and a thriving pornographic industry. May the world of our children be different, better, because of our prayers and relationships!
(Luke, Phil, and Victor at Jason Upton concert)
The children are such a blessing! I'm not fully in charge of them yet, but I got to go in as the surprise guest on Sunday. It was a free-for-all question and answer session. Of all the questions the kiddos asked, I think my favorite was, "Do you pick your nose?" Children are awesome! They are learning about Jesus coming to Earth. Maddie, was even in a children's nativity called, "The Hoity, Toity Angel." Although the play took place in a secular British school, it was all about Jesus. Praise the Lord for His hand in the lives of our children!
This upcoming Sunday is our carol service, and it is an outreach for the community. Families that might not otherwise come to church, will often come for Carols and Christmas puddings. The children will hear the "Tale of the Three Trees" and then learn about how God wants to use them, too. Prayers are greatly appreciated. May your holy-day season be full of the love of Jesus, who came to this world in innocence, so we can be restored to the Living God! Happy Christmas!!