(Freedom and joy in Worship!)
Many other things that we've been praying for, we've been seeing. I know, I know, I shouldn't be surprised when that happens. But I like to see how God works it out. In Lifegroup, we had a discussion about living life without fear. One common fear that people had was being afraid of what people think. At the Gathering following the discussion, we had more joy and freedom in worship than we've had in a long time. Deciding that fear was not going to rule brought freedom. Other prayer requests we've seen answered include a finished Child Protection Policy, a member of our Alpha group giving his life to Jesus, and the children dancing in worship at the Gathering.

('40s themed Volunteer Appreciation)
The kids have been learning about the Parables of Jesus. We took a break from our study of the Supernatural for the Summer. They have really grabbed ahold of the stories of Jesus and enjoyed making the stories Jesus told into stories of their own. This last week we learned about the story of the Seeds and the Sower, and the kids taught the adults the motions they had learned to the song, "Everlasting God." It was as much fun to watch the adults worshipping with actions as it was to watch the children leading them.
('You comfort those in need...')
The church also took two weeks to pray for the children in schools through an organisation called 'Pray for Schools.' We prayed for the children that are taking qualifying exams and dreamed big dreams about what it would look like if all the children and teachers and administrators knew Jesus. I found out about the fortnight through an organisation here in Sheffield called "Christians and Sheffield Schools." Basically, they're interested in knowing about any Christians that are doing work in the schools in the area. I met a gentleman who goes into schools and does drama from the Bible. This month, I'm going to go to a few schools with him and see what he does with the purpose of discovering how I can help out with a few schools myself. I'll keep you posted.
(Most recent staff photo)
Elsewhere, Sheffield is getting ready to say goodbye to its Uni students for the summer. Several of them will be staying around during July, August and September. One of the Uni lifegroups has been praying this term about a way to reach out to the community. They felt called to serve the neighbourhood where our church building is located; it's called Broomhall. Going door to door, they eventually met a Pakistani man and his family they were able to serve, and they've built a relationship with the Pakistani community in Broomhall. It seems that God is giving us new inroads into the community in many new areas.

(Cross in the Clouds by Hana, a youth at ACC)
Maybe divine discontent is a good thing. Not always comfortable, but it gets us to ask questions and puts us in the position to go search for the source of our peace. This month it led us to that conversation with the Uni student, to more freedom in worship, and to serving new friends in Broomhall. I guess it keeps me from remaining in my comfortable box, safe yet boring. I would love to hear how God is calling you all out of your comfort zones! Thank oodles and tons for your prayers, encouragement, and support. May your divine discontent lead you on a road to revelation of what God is calling you to do next (in the words of Yancy Smith). Cheers!