The last part of September and first part of October have been a tug-of-war between the good, the bad, and the holy. Let's get the bad news out of the way first. Then we can focus on the the good and the holy. Thanks for everyone who prayed for my first driving test. Yes, my first is indicative that there will be a second. According to the examiner, "I'm afraid you have not been successful this time." Raise your hand if you like failing? I don't, so it's been a test of my character to fail and have to do it again. Test number two is scheduled for 28th October. I'm considering fasting in addition to prayer.
(The car I hired and drove the day before the test)
My brother was in town visiting the week before the test, and we had a great time driving out in the Peaks from the cliffs above Calver to the Major Oak in Sherwood Forest. He also joined me for the first of my djembe classes. Drumming is fun, hard on the arms, and another place of humility. Sometimes the hands just don't work the way you want them to; such is life. It is okay to not be skilled at everything. How else do we learn?Let's see, other good things: I'm officially volunteering with the adult head and neck cancer/voice therapy section of the Royal Hallamshire Hospital. I start 2nd November. It's mostly paperwork, but twice a month on Monday mornings I get to keep up my speech and language therapy skills or at least be close to speech and language therapy. I also look at it as an opportunity to meet more people and share the gospel. And, I got to go to my first English wedding. Fewer attendants, the bride and groom sit during the sermon, and the fudge cake literally has fudge in it. Mr. and Mrs. Hazell couldn't have asked for lovelier weather. Jesus likes weddings! Oh, and fun, Jesus likes fun. For our monthly staff fun day, we played a little Wii, and enjoyed each other's company in a lovingly competitive manner. Nadia took to sword fighting quickly:).
In the world of Treasure Hunting there's good, bad, and holy. This past Saturday we took a few of the Synergy students out for the first time. Synergy is an organisation on the University of Sheffield that brings Christian students together. They do an Alpha Course, Agape - an outreach to clubbers, and other events. So another member of staff, Todd, and I did a short training and then took the students out to hunt in the City Centre. The idea is to start Treasure Hunting on campus. I think it's holy to want to see more every time we go out!
(Maddie & Stephen :))
In the holy category, I've been working on an Identity series of curriculum with our older kiddos. I'm loving watching them learn who they are in Christ. To date we've covered I am loved and valuable, I am a friend of God, and I am chosen. I've also been working on a Training Manual and a Child Protection Policy for our second children's volunteer interest meeting this coming Sunday. I feel like I'm finally, after nearly a year in Sheffield, starting to figure out this Children's Pastor gig. That's exciting, because I feel like it will be a jumping off place for new things like outreach and more creativity and volunteer involvement. God is building His church and it's a joy to be a part in the good and the bad, but especially, the Holy.