(Faith, Hope & Love)
It is my hope that my readers will not become weary of hearing about my year of firsts. It's not that they don't have a fourth of July in Britain; it's just that they don't have a Fourth of July. It would be a little interesting to celebrate the day that one of your colonies declared independence from your tyranny. Needless to say, July 4th was a day much like any other. In hindsight, it would have been an excellent day to host a barbecue as an outreach. There's always next year. But it remains to be said to all of you, "Happy Fourth of July!"
(One of my kids playing an Oompah Loompah)
While we haven't been having fireworks and barbecues with potato salad and the works, we did host an American-themed party for a group of international students. Julie, one of my teammates, is finishing her Master's at Sheffield Uni, and she attended a no alcohol, end of term party where she met several Pakistani and Indian women. Ira, another teammate decided to throw a similar party with an American theme. It was an amazing time of loving on these ladies through friendship and a little Dance, Dance Revolution. We even learned a new card game, but the most amazing part was testimony time. Ira got to share her life story with the girls, and we gave each of them a Bible. Julie is reading through the Bible with one of the girls, and another told Ira that she had always wanted a Bible. I get goosebumps and watery eyes just thinking about it.
God is so good, and He is moving in the international community in Sheffield. Julie, Ira, and I have started attending an English club run through an organisation that assists asylum seekers and refugees. It is a great way to connect with the nations that are in Sheffield and ask God to show us those who are hungry. I even had a two-hour conversation with one man about the existence of God! This occurred after the leader told us that the participants might not want to discuss religion or politics. I was floored and am praying for the man that I spoke with to find Jesus.
I'm also praying for my driving instructor. I don't know if he knows Jesus, but I'm hoping for an opportunity to discuss something besides my inadequate turns-in-the-road. If anyone is feeling like the Lord is wanting to teach them about humility, I recommend taking driving lessons in the UK. There are so many things to think about, so I just pray during the whole session. Never fear, I'm having fun facing the challenge. Hopefully that will be my attitude during the 40 minute driving exam! It's good to not take yourself too seriously:).
(Pyramids in the Peace Gardens)
This summer has brought some opportunities for fun as well as work. Summer is a slower time for children's ministry as many of our families have holidays planned. Praise the Lord, I still have people offering to volunteer to be in the Launch Pad, our Sunday children's ministry time. This is a blessing as many of the students that volunteer throughout the year are home for the summer or are leaving for a 2 week mission trip to Russia. Please be lifting up the nine students who will be in Siberia from 31 July to 16 August.
(I love my team!)

(Strawberry tast..er picking)