Thanks all of you delightful people who prayed for the staff planning retreat and prayer days. They went really well and I'm really excited about vision for the new year. ACC Sheffield will be focusing on prayer, evangelism, and community this semester, and on reaching out to the mission field that is the city and the United Kingdom. This will include things like weekly "treasure hunts," community meals after the weekly Gathering, and a specific time of prayer and fasting. I'm excited to see what God will do!
At the retreat I got to present some vision for the children to the team! Yay for children being given the opportunity to be as spiritually mature as they can be for their age, for teaching us adults how to worship, and for just being kids in all the joy of the Lord. This week in Launch Pad (kid's slot) the kid's learned about God speaking to them through dreams. The kids have been learning about the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, and this week was the Flight to Egypt. I loved their high energy, but it was a challenge to keep their attention for the hour and fifteen minutes. Aren't first times always such great learning experiences?
(New Year's Hogmanay with teammate Julie)
Kind of like the first time you lock yourself out of your house in a new country... A lot of doors in the United Kingdom lock behind you, so you want to be sure that you have your keys with you. On New Year's Eve, there was a bit of snow at the top of Crooke's (the hill where I live), and it had covered the spider webs. The effect was so fantastic that I wanted to take a photo. So I walked into my house, took off my gloves, set down my bag (keys and mobile inside), and took my camera outside. The instant I pulled the door closed, I knew I was in trouble. Oh no! You'll be glad to know that my house cannot be broken into; I tried for 20 minutes before walking back into town and calling my housemate. Ah, small, joyful cultural differences. I'm sure I will learn many more in the days to come.
I really enjoyed reading all of your e-mails and little updates about what's going on in your lives!!! And thanks for the Christmas notes and encouragements. It's amazing how God uses a simple phrase to speak to where you are. For everyone who's off to World Mandate Waco, have such a good time! I'll be in Germany this year for World Mandate Berlin. I'll be chatting with you all soon.
Lotsa love,
British Vocabulary Lesson #2
Plasters - Band-Aids
Rubbish - Trash
Squash - Fruit Juice Concentrate
Biscuits - Hard Cookies
Creche - Nursery/Young Children's Class