What we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us, we will not hide from our children.  We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, His power, and the wonders He has done.
 -Psalm 78:3-4

17 October 2008


My brother told me that I needed to join the 21st century for my trip to Sheffield, so here I am.  For those of you who just glance at the blog or who haven't heard, I will be leaving as soon as the visa is approved and all of my support is coming in, for the lovely city of Sheffield, England.  

Sheffield is about 3 hours north of London by car, nestled in the heart of the Peak District, and rife with Robin Hood legend and stainless steel.  Antioch Community Church in Waco sent a church plant to Sheffield in June of 2005, and I will be joining the plant as the children's minister.  The people of the city are hungry, whether they yet know it or not, to have Jesus come and transform their lives.  I am ready for the same to occur in my own life, for Jesus to continue the transformation through learning to trust in Him.  What an adventure to rely on Jesus and to trust in Him to walk this path with me!

This journey has only been made possible through the grace, prayers, and encouragement of many supporters.  You are all in my heart and prayers!  Thank you for taking this journey with me.  Truly, the children of Sheffield are being impacted through you.  May Jesus fill you more on this journey.

Tonight and tomorrow I will be at a 'Cell Explosion' weekend hosted by Joel Comisky.  When I started the process of preparing to get to Sheffield, I thought for sure I would be there before the conference.  As I sit here and put my thoughts on paper, I'm glad for the encouragement that I received tonight from Joel.  God's timing is so perfect.  I need to keep saying it and remember it, so I am encouraged.  My support raising has risen to 95% and my visa application is in process.  When both come in, I will have a better estimate for a departure date.  I appreciate your prayers for this. 

He who has begun a good work in us is faithful to complete it.  He equips those He calls.  And we are never alone.  May you remember the Father's love for you as you go about your week!  

Hugs and Prayers,